Friday, May 22, 2009

Revolution or Evolution.....

"Necessity is the mother of invention" - Plato

Here we go again. Another day, anther product launch...another revolution!? It seems that with the latest Xerox product release (ColorQube) the copier industry has found the Tiger Woods of output technology.

Admittedly, I don't know a ton of details on the technology. Further, I don't particulary care...too much. Whether it's pixel counting, solid ink, sustainability or any other feature, I just don't see a problem as an MPS provider.

I seem to recall several years ago HP releasing a new product that changed the way color clicks could be profitably billed by both manufacturers and dealers. And, last I recall, I still got up this morning and went to work.

So what does this mean for the MPS industry? It's actually great! When Tiger hit the PGA tour what was the result? A bunch of guys who hadn't been challenged in quite some time got off their hind-quarters and started working hard to keep up, and hopefully overtake, the 800-lb. gorilla.

Now I am not saying that ColorQube is what Tiger was to the PGA tour (time will tell us that), but anyone who brings a new approach to the industry does those of us in MPS a favor. While the hardware world will be scrambling to do their competitive analysis, we can sit back and realize the benefits of this and future innovation. Should Xerox's latest release become the new standard then guess what......we will all probably go make sure we have the capability to provide that service to our clients. If not, it will at the very least challenge other manufacturers to think outside the box and create their own innovations.

It will certainly be interesting to watch what happens with the new release, but for the real MPS providers of the world, sit back, relax and watch the innovation happen. After all, who cares where it comes from as long as it happens.

Of course if it does succeed I will need to go and buy a bigger tool box to put it in.

"Necessity is the mother of invention" - Plato

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